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Donate to the World Food Program for the Citizens of Ukraine
and other regions of devastation or conflict

Defy TX Attorney General Paxton and donate to Annunciation House!

Old Catholic Apostolic Church
St. Adalbert Home Oratory - Orthodox Rite

Even with relaxed medical restrictions in place post COVID-19, the St. Adalbert OCAC Home Oratory does not currently perform religious services in a congregational setting. In addition, no donations are needed or accepted, as it is not an incorporated charity or non-profit. Instead, St. Adalbert OCAC suggests donating, generously and repeatedly if you can, to the Southeast Texas Food Bank. (See the link in the left column.)

(Jan 2024) "Birthday Bags" are a way to let seniors know that they are still remembered. Purchase a large, sturdy gift bag and fill it with items such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, powder, deodorant, toothpaste and brushes, hand or body lotion, and perhaps a pill organizer and coffee cup. Your church or group may already know people who could receive these, but Orange Christian Services can accept them. Please call them before bringing a large number of bags.

There are even 3 more options for really direct donations. There are "Blessing Boxes" where you can leave non-perishable food and small toiletries. The motto of this ministry is "Take what you need. Give what you can." The locations are:

  • First Baptist Church of West Orange, 608 Dayton Street
  • Orange Public Library, 220 N 5th Street
  • First Presbyterian Church, 902 Green Avenue

Deacon Marti recites Vespers nightly at 6 PM, USA central time. A monthly requiem is recited on the last Saturday of the month. Use the link below to request a name be added to the altar memorial book. Veterans, and especially supporters of Veterans For Peace, are encouraged to reply. Please only e-mail a name: no birthdays, deathdays, military service numers; God knows these but hackers don't need to. The religion of the departed is of no consequence, and there is no fee for this. Donate to a local food bank, or nationally to Help Heal Veterans.

"For some there is no memory, and they perished as though they hadn't existed. These have become as though they hadn't been born, they and even their children after them. But these were compassionate people whose righteous deeds haven't been forgotten." Sirach 44:9,10

Marti was originally ordained into the Minor Orders of the Liberal Catholic Church International at the St. Thomas Cathedral in New York City in 2005 and 2006. He completed the full course of theological study, both Lay and Pastoral, at the St. Alban Seminary between 2005 and 2009. From 2009 to 2020 he participated with liberal Christians in the UUA in both Washington, DC and Texas.

Deacon Arthur "Marti" Martinson, CHA, OSP

West Orange, Texas

All requests: Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals

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